Si riportano alcune soluzioni di esercizi proposti durante il corso.
object LSList {
def longestSublist[T](p:T=>Boolean)(l:List[T]):List[T] = {
val vuota = List[T]()
val (curr,max) = l.foldLeft((vuota,vuota))(
(acc,x) => {
val (curr,max) = acc
if (p(x)) (x::curr, max)
else (vuota, if (curr.size > max.size) curr else max)
(if (curr.size > max.size) curr else max).reverse
object LSListMain extends App {
val s1 = LSList.longestSublist((_:Int)>0)(List(-4,5,3,6,0,3,4,-1))
println(s1 + " (corretto: "+List(5,3,6)+")")
val s2 = LSList.longestSublist((_:Int)>=0)(List(1,-4,5,3,6,-1,3,4,1,6))
println(s2 + " (corretto: "+List(3,4,1,6)+")")
val s3 = LSList.longestSublist((_:Int)<0)(List(1,2,3))
println(s3 + " (corretto: "+Nil+")")
object E23 {
def profila[T](body: =>T):(T,Long) = {
val start = System.nanoTime
val v = body // il body passato come parametro per nome viene valutato qui
val t = System.nanoTime - start
import E23._
object E23Main extends App {
val (v,t) = profila {
println("Valutazione espressione...")
(1 to 1000000).map(_.toLong).sum
println("Valore prodotto: "+v)
println("Tempo richiesto: "+t*1E-9+" secondi")
object E24 {
// Query 1: estrarre tutti gli studenti con età compresa tra 20 e 24 anni (inclusi) che hanno sostenuto l'esame di "PFP"
// con metodi delle collezioni
def query1(l:List[Studente]) =
l.filter(s => s.età >= 20 && s.età <= 24 && (s.esami contains "PFP"))
// con for comprehension
def query1_bis(l:List[Studente]) =
for (s <- l ; if (s.età >= 20 && s.età <= 24 && (s.esami contains "PFP"))) yield s
// Query 2: estrarre tutti gli studenti con età strettamente inferiore a 24 anni che hanno sostenuto almeno due esami
// con metodi delle collezioni
def query2(l:List[Studente]) =
l.filter(s => s.età <= 24 && s.esami.size >= 2)
// con for comprehension
def query2_bis(l:List[Studente]) =
for (s <- l ; if (s.età <= 24 && s.esami.size >= 2)) yield s
case class Studente(nome:String, età:Int, esami:List[String])
object E24Main extends App {
val q = List(
Studente("Marco", 23, List("PFP","SC")),
Studente("Laura", 19, List("SC", "FI1", "PFP")),
Studente("Stefano", 23, List("SC", "FI1")),
Studente("Marco", 25, List("SC", "FI1", "FI2")),
Studente("Paola", 22, List("SC", "PFP"))
// ni e di sono variabili di istanza private
// ai fini dell'esercizio poteva andare bene anche omettere `private val`
case class Rational(private val ni:Int, private val di:Int) {
// metodi ausiliari
private def sgn(x:Int,y:Int) = if (x*y < 0) "-" else ""
private def mcd(x:Int,y:Int):Int = if (y==0) x else mcd(y,x%y)
// variabili di istanza pubbliche
val n = ni/mcd(ni, di)
val d = di/mcd(ni, di)
// toString
override def toString = sgn(n,d)+Math.abs(n)+"/"+Math.abs(d)
// operatori aritmetici
def +(r:Rational) = Rational(n*r.d+r.n*d, d*r.d)
def -(r:Rational) = Rational(n*r.d-r.n*d, d*r.d)
def *(r:Rational) = Rational(n*r.n, d*r.d)
def /(r:Rational) = Rational(n*r.d, d*r.n)
// operatori relazionali
// non usiamo il == di default generato da case class perché userebbe anche ni e di
// il metodo != è automaticamente derivato come !equals
override def equals(that:Any) = that match {
case r:Rational => n == r.n && d == r.d
case _ => false
// a volerlo fare bene, Rational dovrebbe implementare il trait Ordered[Rational]
// e ridefinire il metodo compare, ma non ne abbiamo parlato a lezione
// ai fini dell'esercizio va bene comunque la seguente soluzione
def <(r:Rational) = n*r.d < d*r.n
object E25Main extends App {
val r1 = Rational(2, 7)
val r2 = Rational(8, 6)
val r3 = Rational(4, 14)
println(r1+r2) // stampa 34/21
println(r1-r2) // stampa -22/21
println(r1*r2) // stampa 8/21
println(r1/r2) // stampa 3/14
println(r1==r3) // stampa true
println(r1!=r3) // stampa false
println(r1!=r2) // stampa true
println(r1<r2) // stampa true
println(r2<r1) // stampa false
object Model2D {
def getGrid(n:Int) = {
val step = 1.0/(n-1)
val horiz = (0 to n-1).map(y => Line(0.0, y*step, 1.0, y*step)).toList // linee orizzontali
val vert = (0 to n-1).map(x => Line(x*step, 0.0, x*step, 1.0)).toList // linee verticali
horiz ::: vert // concatenazione delle liste
def main(args:Array[String]) {
println("Displaying 20x20 grid...")
Frame2D.display(Model2D.getGrid(3), 500, 500)
object Model2D {
def getToroidalMandala(numPetals:Int) = {
def rad(i:Int) = 2.0*math.Pi*i/numPetals
(0 to numPetals-1).map(i => Circle(0.5+math.cos(rad(i))*0.25, 0.5+math.sin(rad(i))*0.25, 0.25)).toList
def main(args:Array[String]) {
println("Displaying Toroidal Mandala...")
Frame2D.display(Model2D.getToroidalMandala(24), 500, 500)
oppure, usando for comprehension:
object Model2D {
def getToroidalMandala(numPetals:Int) = {
val l = for {
i <- 0 to numPetals-1
rad = 2.0*math.Pi*i/numPetals
x = 0.5+math.cos(rad)*0.25
y = 0.5+math.sin(rad)*0.25
} yield Circle(x, y, 0.25)
def main(args:Array[String]) {
println("Displaying Toroidal Mandala...")
Frame2D.display(Model2D.getToroidalMandala(24), 500, 500)
import scala.language.implicitConversions
class MyString(s:String) {
def rot(k:Int):String = {
def f(c:Char):Char = {
val m = 'Z' - 'A' + 1 // dimensione dell'alfabeto
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ('A' + (k + c - 'A') % m).toChar
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ('a' + (k + c - 'a') % m).toChar
else c
object E28 {
implicit def string2MyString(s:String) = new MyString(s)
import E28._
object E28Main extends App {
def p(s:String, r:String, k:Int) =
println("\"" + s + "\" -> \"" + s.rot(k) + "\" (corretto: \""+ r + "\")")
val (s1, r1, k1) = ("Zorro", "Apssp", 1)
val (s2, r2, k2) = ("Apssp", "Zorro", 26-1)
val (s3, r3, k3) = ("Hello World!", "Uryyb Jbeyq!", 13)
val (s4, r4, k4) = ("Uryyb Jbeyq!", "Hello World!", 26-13)
p(s1, r1, k1)
p(s2, r2, k2)
p(s3, r3, k3)
p(s4, r4, k4)
sealed abstract class BinTree {
def sum:Int = this match {
case T(l,e,r) => e + l.sum + r.sum
case E() => 0
// albero non vuoto
case class T(l:BinTree, e:Int, r:BinTree) extends BinTree
// albero vuoto
case class E() extends BinTree
object E29Main extends App {
val t1 = T(E(), 10, E())
val t2 = T(E(), 5, E())
val t3 = T(t1, 7, t2)
val t4 = T(t3, 2, E())
println(t1.sum + " (corretto: 10)")
println(t2.sum + " (corretto: 5)")
println(t3.sum + " (corretto: 22)")
println(t4.sum + " (corretto: 24)")
sealed abstract class BinTree {
def map(f:Int=>Int):BinTree = this match {
case E() => E()
case T(l,e,r) => T(,f(e),
// albero non vuoto
case class T(l:BinTree, e:Int, r:BinTree) extends BinTree
// albero vuoto
case class E() extends BinTree
object E30Main extends App {
val t1 = T(E(), 10, E())
val t2 = T(E(), 5, E())
val t3 = T(t1, 7, t2)
val t4 = T(t3, 2, E())
val t =*2)
println(t + " (corretto: T(T(T(E(),20,E()),14,T(E(),10,E())),4,E()))")
object E31 {
def piùFrequente[T](s:Seq[T]):Option[(T,Int)] =
if (s.isEmpty) None
else {
val (x,l) = s.groupBy(identity).maxBy(_._2.size)
object E31Main extends App {
val s1 = Seq(1,2,4,2,1,1,5,2,4,2,5)
val t1 = E31.piùFrequente(s1) getOrElse "errore"
println(t1 + " (corretto: (1,3))")
val s2 = Seq()
val t2 = E31.piùFrequente(s2) getOrElse "errore"
println(t2 + " (corretto: errore)")
val s3 = Vector("uno", "due", "uno")
val t3 = E31.piùFrequente(s3) getOrElse "errore"
println(t3 + " (corretto: (uno,2))")
(replica metodo reduce - ricorsione su liste)MyRed.scala
import scala.language.implicitConversions
class MyList[T](l:List[T]) {
def myReduce(f:(T,T)=>T):Option[T] = l match {
case Nil => None
case h::Nil => Some(h)
case h::t => {
def aux(q:List[T], acc:T):T =
if (q.isEmpty) acc
else aux(q.tail, f(acc, q.head))
Some(aux(t, h))
object MyRed {
implicit def list2MyList[T](l:List[T]) = new MyList(l)
import MyRed._
object MyRedMain extends App {
val l = List.range(1,1000000)
val v1 = l.myReduce(_+_)
println("Test 1: "+v1+" (corretto: " + Some(l.reduce(_+_)) + ")")
val v2 = List(1).myReduce(_+_)
println("Test 2: "+v2+" (corretto: " + Some(List(1).reduce(_+_)) + ")")
val v3 = List[Int]().myReduce(_+_)
println("Test 3 "+v3+" (corretto: " + None + ")")
(numero di resti possibili - parallelismo su liste)PCoin.scala
object PCoin {
// versione sequenziale
def countChange(amount:Int, coins:List[Int]):Int =
if (amount == 0) 1
else if (coins.isEmpty || amount < 0) 0
else countChange(amount - coins.head, coins.tail) + countChange(amount, coins.tail)
// versione parallela
def countChangePar(amount:Int, coins:List[Int], maxThreads:Int = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()):Int =
if (amount == 0) 1
else if (coins.isEmpty || amount < 0) 0
else if (maxThreads < 2) countChange(amount, coins)
else {
val (a,b) = Par.par { countChangePar(amount - coins.head, coins.tail, maxThreads/2) }
{ countChangePar(amount, coins.tail, maxThreads/2) }
object PCoinMain extends App {
val coins = List(10,100,1,2,5,20,10,50,1,200,100,5,20,10,10,5,1,20,50,1,5,200,2,50,20,1,1,2,5,200,100)
val a1 = 899
println("Versione sequenziale...")
val (v1, t1) = Prof.profila { PCoin.countChange (a1, coins) }
println("Versione parallela...")
val (vp1, tp1) = Prof.profila { PCoin.countChangePar (a1, coins) }
println("Test: " + vp1 + " (corretto: " + v1 + " - tempo seq: "+t1*1E-9+" sec - tempo par: "+tp1*1E-9+" sec)")
object Par {
def par[A,B](a: =>A)(b: =>B):(A,B) = {
var resA:Option[A] = None
val r = new Runnable {
def run() = resA = Some(a)
val t = new Thread(r)
val resB = b
(resA.get, resB)
object Prof {
def profila[T](body: =>T):(T,Long) = {
val start = System.nanoTime
val v = body // il body passato come parametro per nome viene valutato qui
val t = System.nanoTime - start
(uguaglianza a meno di rotazioni - operazioni su sequenze)IsRot.scala
import scala.language.implicitConversions
class MySeq[T](l:Seq[T]) {
def isRot(m:Seq[T]):Option[Int] = {
val res = for {
i <- 0 until m.size
(a,b) = m splitAt i
if (l == b ++ a)
} yield i
if (res.isEmpty) None else Some(res.head)
object IsRot {
implicit def seq2MySeq[T](l:Seq[T]) = new MySeq(l)
import IsRot._
object IsRotMain extends App {
val l1:Seq[Char] = "Hello world"
val m1:Seq[Char] = "orldHello w"
val r1:Option[Int] = l1.isRot(m1)
val c1 = Some(4)
println("Test 1: " + r1 + " (corretto: " + c1 + ")")
val l2:Seq[Int] = List(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
val m2:Seq[Int] = List(3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2)
val r2:Option[Int] = l2.isRot(m2)
val c2 = Some(7)
println("Test 2: " + r2 + " (corretto: " + c2 + ")")
val l3:Seq[String] = List("one", "two")
val m3:Seq[String] = List("Two", "one")
val r3:Option[Int] = l3.isRot(m3)
val c3 = None
println("Test 3: " + r3 + " (corretto: " + c3 + ")")
val l4:Seq[Boolean] = List(true, false, false)
val m4:Seq[Boolean] = List(true, false, false)
val r4:Option[Int] = l4.isRot(m4)
val c4 = Some(0)
println("Test 4: " + r4 + " (corretto: " + c4 + ")")
val l5:Seq[Boolean] = List(true, false, false)
val m5:Seq[Boolean] = List(true)
val r5:Option[Int] = l5.isRot(m5)
val c5 = None
println("Test 5: " + r5 + " (corretto: " + c5 + ")")
val l6:Seq[Short] = List(1,2,1,2)
val m6:Seq[Short] = List(2,1,2,1)
val r6:Option[Int] = l6.isRot(m6)
val c6 = None
println("Test 6: " + r6 + " (corretto: " + c6 + ")")
(uguaglianza a meno di rotazioni - parallelismo su sequenze)PIsRot.scala
import scala.language.implicitConversions
class MySeqPar[T](l:Seq[T]) {
private def isRotInRange(m:Seq[T], min:Int, max:Int):Option[Int] = {
val res = for {
i <- min until max
(a,b) = m splitAt i
if (l == b ++ a)
} yield i
if (res.isEmpty) None else Some(res.head)
def isRotPar(m:Seq[T]):Option[Int] = {
def aux(min:Int, max:Int, t:Int):Option[Int] = {
if (t < 2) isRotInRange(m, min, max)
else if (min >= max) None
else {
val mid = (min+max)/2
val (rl, rr) = Par.par { aux(min, mid, t/2) }
{ aux(mid, max, t/2) }
if (rl == None) rr else rl
aux(0, m.size, PIsRot.NUM_CORES)
object PIsRot {
lazy val NUM_CORES = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
implicit def seq2MySeqPar[T](l:Seq[T]) = new MySeqPar(l)
import IsRot._
import PIsRot._
object PIsRotMain extends App {
val l1:Seq[Char] = "Hello world"
val m1:Seq[Char] = "orldHello w"
val r1:Option[Int] = l1.isRotPar(m1)
val c1 = Some(4)
println("Test 1: " + r1 + " (corretto: " + c1 + ")")
val l2:Seq[Int] = List(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
val m2:Seq[Int] = List(3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2)
val r2:Option[Int] = l2.isRotPar(m2)
val c2 = Some(7)
println("Test 2: " + r2 + " (corretto: " + c2 + ")")
val l3:Seq[String] = List("one", "two")
val m3:Seq[String] = List("Two", "one")
val r3:Option[Int] = l3.isRotPar(m3)
val c3 = None
println("Test 3: " + r3 + " (corretto: " + c3 + ")")
val l4:Seq[Boolean] = List(true, false, false)
val m4:Seq[Boolean] = List(true, false, false)
val r4:Option[Int] = l4.isRotPar(m4)
val c4 = Some(0)
println("Test 4: " + r4 + " (corretto: " + c4 + ")")
val l5:Seq[Boolean] = List(true, false, false)
val m5:Seq[Boolean] = List(true)
val r5:Option[Int] = l5.isRotPar(m5)
val c5 = None
println("Test 5: " + r5 + " (corretto: " + c5 + ")")
val l6:Seq[Short] = List(1,2,1,2)
val m6:Seq[Short] = List(2,1,2,1)
val r6:Option[Int] = l6.isRotPar(m6)
val c6 = Some(1)
println("Test 6: " + r6 + " (corretto: " + c6 + ")")
val n = 20000
val l = (0 to n).toVector
val (a,b) = l splitAt 2*l.size/3
val m = b ++ a
println("Versione sequenziale...")
val (v, t) = Prof.profila { l.isRot(m) }
println("Versione parallela...")
val (vp, tp) = Prof.profila { l.isRotPar(m) }
println("Test 7: " + vp + " (corretto: " + v + " - tempo seq: "+t*1E-9+" sec - tempo par: "+tp*1E-9+" sec)")
Usare inoltre i moduli Par.scala
, Prof.scala
e IsPar.scala
definiti negli eserciti PCoin
e IsPar
(uguaglianza di array di int - vettorizzazione)veq32.c
#include <immintrin.h>
#include "veq32.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// veq32
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// versione vettorizzata
int veq32(const int* a, int na, const int* b, int nb) {
int i;
if (na != nb) return 0;
for (i=0; i+3<na; i+=4) {
__m128i va = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(a+i));
__m128i vb = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(b+i));
__m128i vres = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(va, vb);
if (!_mm_test_all_ones(vres)) return 0;
for (; i<na; ++i)
if (a[i] != b[i]) return 0;
return 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// veq32_seq
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// versione sequenziale
int veq32_seq(const int* a, int na, const int* b, int nb) {
int i;
if (na != nb) return 0;
for (i=0; i<na; ++i)
if (a[i] != b[i]) return 0;
return 1;
#include <immintrin.h>
#include "vpal32.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// vpal32
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// SSE version
int vpal32(const int* v, int n) {
int i;
for (i=0; i+3<n/2; i+=4) {
__m128i va = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(v+i));
__m128i vb = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i*)(v+n-4-i));
va = _mm_shuffle_epi32(va, 0x1B); // 0x1B è 00 01 10 11 in base 2 e consente di rovesciare l'ordine dei 4 int in va
va = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(va, vb);
if (!_mm_test_all_ones(va)) return 0;
for (; i<n/2; ++i)
if (v[i] != v[n-1-i]) return 0;
return 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// vpal32_seq
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// sequential version
int vpal32_seq(const int* v, int n) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<n/2; ++i)
if (v[i] != v[n-1-i]) return 0;
return 1;